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Lift diagnosis LiftPC
By means of the LiftPC Mobile Diagnosis Henning GmbH has created a modern diagnosis system which enables you for the first time to observe the lift ride
quality and ride comfort during the ride, online on the screen of the laptop. Moreover, the data can immediately be evaluated and documented from which the maintenance condition monitoring and purposeful servicing may be obtained.
As an alternative, you may also carry out measurement travels without a laptop and use the hand-held terminal HT1 instead. The travel profiles are recorded by the handheld terminal on a CompactFlash Memory Card. In this way the travel profile can then be evaluated at any time using a laptop or PC.
LiftPC mobile Diagnose
LiftPC Mobile Diagnosis is a powerful measuring system of modular structure for mobile and flexible measurement of per-formance and ride quality of lifts.
For evaluation of vibration measurement data, which have been obtained with an appropriately activated sensor QS3 ISO 18738 Part 2 to determine the ride quality of escalators and moving walkways. 
For evaluation of vibration measurement data, which were measured with an appropriately activated sensor QS3.