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WEARwatcher device WEARwatcher - Condition Monitoring

The WEARWATCHER is an acceleration measurement device with integrated analyzing unit. It monitors the most important elevator parameter.
Screenshots WW1.jpgProblems and abnormalities are detected before the elevator system is being influenced.
Due to the condition based evaluation, maintenance is often only necessary when indicated.
E.g. nearly 60% of all failures of an elevator are caused by the cabin or shaft doors.
WWKreislauf.jpgThe WEARwatcher can help to reduce this failures to a minimum by the use of targeted evaluation.
Long period trend analysis makes it possible to detect problems with the rails.
Even problems on drive units with motor and gear can be detected and evaluated.
Long period trend analysis makes it possible to detect problems and defects at the guide as well.
More about WEARwatcher: 
An interview with Tim Ebeling (managing director of Henning GmbH & Co. KG) is available here.
Additional articles relted to predictive maintenance of elevators might be found in our  publications.

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